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Biographical Information
Steve Nathans-Kelly
Editor, Streaming Media Producer

Steve Nathans-Kelly (steve at is editor of Streaming Media Producer and Video Publishing Director of Information Today Inc.

Articles By Steve Nathans-Kelly

Review: Epiphan DVI2USB 3.0 Frame Grabber

The Epiphan DVI2USB 3.0 provides a boon to conference videographers via a simple, small-footprint, low-cost solution for capturing a live PowerPoint or Keynote presentation to a PC or Mac as a full-frame rate, native-resolution video file. Here's a walkthrough of a functional conference presentation capture workflow using the DVI2USB 3.0.
Featured Articles, Posted 11 Jun 2014

Streaming Media's Gear of the Year, 2013-14

Rather than tempt you with the Next Big Thing, in this "Gear of the Year" feature we invited three contributing writers—and producers in their own right—to choose four products each, all released in the last year, that have proven themselves indispensable to professional online video production and webcasting workflows, or represent the best currently available choices in their particular category.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Apr 2014

Meet the SMPLive Presenter: Glenn Zimmerman of Mad Bear Productions--Updated!

Video storyteller extraordinaire Glenn Zimmerman of Manhattan and Tampa-based Mad Bear Productions discusses how to move from online delivery to online engagement in his two Streaming Media Producer Live Strategic Track sessions--updated with complete session video from Streaming Media Producer Live!
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Jan 2014

Streaming Conference Video with the Canon XA25 and Livestream Broadcaster

How the Canon XA25 and Livestream Broadcaster proved a straightforward and effective no muss, no fuss solution for live streaming of a series of trade conference with little ramp-up time or gear-up budget.
Featured Articles, Posted 18 Dec 2013

Meet the SMPLive Presenter: Stjepan Alaupovic of St. Jepan Media

New York City-based media production specialist Stjepan Alaupovic describes his Streaming Media Producer Live sessions, "How to Light, Frame, and Shoot Video for the Web" and "How to Brand Your Online Productions."
Featured Articles, Posted 25 Sep 2013

Tutorial: Branding Your Videos with Simple Animated Logo Intros

Here we'll look at how to make simple logo-based animated intros that won't set the world on fire, but will add a little branding kick to your videos using Photoshop and your NLE, without requiring you to hire a graphics expert or master After Effects or LightWave.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Aug 2013

Producing Online Promo Video for Schools, Part 2: Building Out the Program

In the conclusion of this two-part series on producing online video for schools, examined through the lens of DigiNovations' ongoing work with Middlesex School, we'll look at strategies and measures you can take to build and advance both your relationship with the school, and develop the project into a diversified and more nuanced promotional and positioning program than a single video can provide.
Featured Articles, Posted 17 Jun 2013

School Ties: How to Prepare for and Produce Online Promo Video for Schools

DigiNovations Executive Producer Whit Wales discusses how to prepare for and produce videos for academic clients that capture the mission and message of the school, and to build a single-video project into a comprehensive video program that effectively promotes and positions the school.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Jun 2013

Tutorial: Creating a Two-Camera Interview from a One-Camera Shoot

One-on-one interviews shot with two cameras pack a lot more punch than single-camera interviews, simply because they allow you to cut from two-shots of both participants to one-shots focused on the interviewee without distracting and unprofessional-looking zooms. So, how do you get that two-camera look when you've only got one camera available? This tutorial explains how, using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 for the edit.
Featured Articles, Posted 21 Dec 2012

Live-Switched Webcast Production Survey

Live-switched video is fast becoming live-switched webcasting, as producers and their clients embrace the power and immediacy of delivering their content live to targeted audiences worldwide via streaming media. Our survey will help identify trends in this fast-growing field, and for participating, you can win a GoPro Hero3 camera.
Featured News, Posted 29 Nov 2012

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